Monday, 17 December 2012

George Lucus Discusses Disney Star Wars

In Part 1 to 4 of a 5-part video, George Lucus and Kathleen Kennedy discuss the future of Star Wars with Disney.

Part 1

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Corey Feldman wants to be in the Disney Star Wars Trilogy

From Robert Pattinson to Corey Feldman, everyone wants to become part of the biggest sci-fi saga in film history. recently caught up with Feldman and here's what he had to say

When asked if there was a particular role he'd like to take on, he said he is lobbying for a role as Han Solo's son, due to his resemblance to actor Harrison Ford.

"I think that is a great idea. No one knows what they have in mind yet, or what they have in store for us...But what I would like to see in the development of those next three movies is that they bring back all of the original characters, as they are still alive. And you can make them the older generation. Then, whether its their kids, or a bunch of new young soldiers, or Jedis, or warriors...Whatever it is, I would certainly like to be a part of that new young brigade that they are going to bring forward.

I think Harrison Ford's son is a really great idea, actually. Fans have always said that I would make a great Indiana Jones, a great Young Indiana Jones. We look very similar, we have the same type of bravado. The same character persona with the whole Edgar Frog thing. It is a good fit."

Nobody knows for sure which actors or characters will be included in the new Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, but speculation is mounting and actors are making it well-known to Disney that they want in. As soon as an announcement is made, we will be reporting!

Feldman - best known for his role in The Goonies

3D Releases for Star Wars Prequels

The release dates for the 3D versions of the next two films in the Star Wars prequel trilogy have been announced. Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones will release, for a limited time only, in U.S. theatres on September 20, 2013, followed shortly by Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith on October 4, 2013.

Star Wars Prequels are coming to cinemas in 3D
Attack of the Clones includes thrilling chase scenes on the city-covered planet of Coruscant as well as the first-ever lightsaber duel featuring Jedi Master Yoda and Count Dooku. Revenge of the Sith ends the prequel trilogy, telling the story of how Anakin Skywalker turns to the dark side to become Darth Vader.

International release dates will be announced soon and will have all the news.

Friday, 14 December 2012

Today is Wear Star Wars / Share Star Wars Day!

For the third year in a row, Portrait of an Adoption is hosting Wear Star Wars / Share Star Wars Day! Also known as Proud To Be Me Day, the event combines the fun of being true to yourself with the chance to donate a toy to a child in need.

This amazing event began in 2010 when first-grader Katie Goldman was repeatedly taunted for being a girl who loved Star Wars, and the Internet rallied around her. The support has continued, and this year, Star Wars fans from the 501st Legion around the world joined together to build Katie a Stormtrooper costume for Halloween.

On Friday, December 14, 2012, we invite you once again to celebrate this day of geek pride and anti-bullying by wearing something Star Wars or science fiction-related. Since it is the holiday season, we ask that you also mark this special day by donating a Star Wars or science fiction toy to a child in need (but please put a post-it note on the new, unwrapped toy specifying that it can go to a girl or a boy; otherwise, these traditional "boy toys" will be given only to boys). You can bring the toy to a hospital, a shelter, or drop it off with any charitable organization collecting toys.

Your school or workplace can use this as a fun way to stand up to the terrible problem of bullying and help needy kids at the same time! At Katie's school, the Principal has made the event even more inclusive by calling it Proud To Be Me Day, and kids are invited to wear anything that represents a special interest of theirs, regardless of age, gender, religion, etc. Other schools are encouraged to participate in this activity and combine it with anti-bullying programming. Kids can collect toy donations at their schools and learn about the spirit of giving.

Please invite everyone you know to participate in this fun event! The more people who join, the more toys that get donated, and the more fun we all have dressing up! Post your pictures on the event wall!

To learn more about Katie's inspiring story and to learn the latest research and information about how to prevent bullying, please check out Carrie Goldman's critically-acclaimed new book, Bullied: What Every Parent, Teacher, and Kid Needs to Know About Ending the Cycle of Fear.

Please feel free to contact Carrie Goldman to learn more about anti-bullying programming for your school to use on this day.

Twitter: @CarrieMGoldman
Facebook: Portrait of an Adoption

Samuel L Jackson wants Mace Windu to Return

Samuel L Jackson, one of the most popular, well-known and celebrated Hollywood actors wants to be a part of the new Disney Star Wars Trilogy. The actor who played Jedi Master Mace Windu recently told E! Online that he wants to be in the new trilogy:

Samuel L Jackson, Mace Windu, Star Wars, Disney
Samuel L. Jackson wants in
"I''m not surprised but totally geeked by the idea of there being more Star Wars," said Jackson to E! News. "It's like, okay, Obi-Wan was dead when episode four started, so maybe everyone thinks I'm dead and we'll find out what happened to Mace Windu. I can come back as one-armed or a one-handed Jedi that's still around that didn't actually die."

Seeing Windu's death at the hands of Anakin in Episode III makes his return unlikely, but not impossible. With Sir Alec Guiness's passing in 2000, we know that Obi-Wan's hologram cannot return, but Qui-Gon, Anakin, Yoda all could, and why not with Mace Windu?

For more on Jackson's interview with E! News, click here.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Rick McCallum Goes (Han) Solo

Rick McCallum, one of the key people responsible for the Star Wars trilogies loved by so many has gone solo to work on his own film projects. Although he has worked for the biggest movie franchise of all time, his roots are in independent film production and he will not be a part of the new Disney trilogy.

A Star Wars Legend: Rick McCallum
He started working with George Lucus with The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles in 1992, continuing through the Special Edition releases of the original Star Wars films in 1997 and then the prequel trilogy in the early part of the 21st century.

Although McCallum will not be part of the Disney Star Wars Trilogy, he feels it is safe in Kathleen Kennedy's hands. Talking to, he said: "There's only one person in the world who could do this, and that's Kathleen Kennedy."

McCallum was always a great Star Wars ambassador, being accessible to fans and making numerous guest appearances at conventions.

We, as a Star Wars fan site, wish him the best of luck.

Star Wars Episode VII Pre-Production Begins

As pre-production of Star Wars: Episode VII begins, Lucasfilm has confirmed that award-winning writer Michael Arndt will write the screenplay for the new Star Wars film.

Don't worry - this isn't the cast for the new trilogy!
Walt Disney Company has acquired Lucasfilm Ltd from George Lucas. Under the direction of film producer and studio executive Kathleen Kennedy, co-chairman of Lucasfilm. Kennedy and Disney plan a slate of new Star Wars feature films, beginning with the long-awaited Star Wars: Episode VII, targeted for release in 2015, followed by Episodes VIII and IX. Additional feature films are expected to continue the saga and grow the franchise well into the future.

Rumours are spreading across the Star Wars universe and hopes are that Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher will return for the sequels to the original trilogy. One thing is for certain, the sequel trilogy are the most hotly anticipated collection of films for many years.